Doulos Dividends


Let Our Analytics Fuel Your Income

We offer a free regular newsletter.  It exists to provide financial knowledge on a variety of topics.  The bulk of the information will be related to investing in dividend producing investments.  It will include other topics such as general money management, tax, retirement, college, debt reduction, and more.

Sometime during 2025, we will begin offering a cost subscription service(s) that will have actual investment models that you can use.  These services will point out what stock to buy and sell – even how to buy and sell them.  Further, we will share how and when to reinvest the dividends that are accumulating as each stock shares their earnings (i.e., pays dividends).

Available investment vehicles

There are over 9,500 stocks, 3,300 ETFs, 400 Closed End Funds, and 165,000 bonds to choose from.  We search for only top rated companies that have consistently generated high income levels for their investors.  We do not investigate or recommend “private placement” investments.

Reliable, frequently repeating, high dividend generating instruments


The dividends that are paid must show a track record of being paid on time as intended. Furthermore, the company must be considered capable of continuing to issue their dividends into the near future.

Frequently repeating

The company’s dividends must be paid every month or every quarter. Companies with high dividend yields that are only paid once or twice a year do not meet this requirement.

Dividend Generating

Whatever the investment, it must generate dividends that are significantly above average to be considered for selection. Dividends are simply money that the company gives back to you that was generated from running their business.

Risk, Return, & Liquidity

These are the three primary characteristics of every investment.


Risk is a relative measure that can change from person to person. One definition could be the probability that you lose some or all of your money. We define risk as the likelihood that we will lose capital (the money invested) if we invest in a particular stock. We cannot eliminate that risk – no one can – but we can minimize it given the available information. We are comfortable with some loss of capital so long as the investment is still considered to be safe long term AND the investment still reliably yields high dividends.


Return is how much you profit as a result of owning or buying and selling the investment. Most common assets such as cars and technology depreciate – they lose value over time whereas strong stocks often increase in value. Doulos Dividend's focus is far less on “buy low, sell high”; we prefer to invest in “generate income now and into the future”.


Liquidity is the fancy word for "can I turn it into cash quickly". Stocks can be bought and sold immediately based on your click of a button, but homes takes days at the very least (and often many weeks) to buy or sell.

The constant issue is that these factors work against each other.  To get higher returns, we must take on a greater chance of losing our money.  If we want to have little chance of losing our money, then we must settle for a lower return.  It’s just math: no one made it up and no one controls it, it’s something we must understand and take control of for ourselves.  Math doesn’t discover anything – it is a tool used to describe or document how the world actually works for engineers, social scientists, physicists, medical professionals – really everyone.

Investor's desired timeframe

We are a service company – we share the fruit of our efforts (our “models”) at minimal cost so that others can benefit from this work.  Some members only want to try this service for a month or two to determine whether it works as advertised; others may want to try the service to try to learn how it works and then continue on their own.  Others may want our continued assistance, so they don’t have to scan the available investments as the financial markets change.   Wherever you are in that spectrum, we are here to help you.

With a little education and research, you can do everything we do without our service.  Again, we have no secrets – we exist to save you time and effort so you can work towards generating the passive income you desire.


Sure, we use a little statistical wizardry and data sorcery to help us through the process on our side, but we are simply looking to maximize dividend yields while minimizing risk and passing that information on to our members. 

At this point in the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are not comfortable using its capabilities since we are dealing with our own money.  The current risk is too high.  We remain confident that, given enough time and refinement, AI tools could become very helpful in identifying passive income sources that meet our stated criteria.  But for now, that set of tools is not employed.  We continually scan this technology for updates as they happen.

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